Monday, December 24, 2012

Hiatus Kaiyote - The World It Softly Lulls

Well it's Monday again, but, it's also the day before Christmas. Hopefully this means you don't have to work and can just relax. If you wont be celebrating Christmas, then here's to another great week! I will be taking part in the Christmas festivities but, your normally scheduled program will continue un-interrupted starting with today's post featuring an outstanding track from the very new and already quite popular Hiatus Kaiyote.

Hiatus Kaiyote is an up-and-coming future soul band from Melbourne, Australia that formed in mid 2011. A year later they have released their debut album, Tawk Tomahawk which is a must hear for anyone, especially jazz and soul lovers.
Click play to hear The World It Softly Lulls. 

Tawk Tomahawk is a great album and a link to the full album can be found below. It is an album filled with a wonderous variety of experimental and traditional jazz and soul songs and is well worth it's price of $10 AUD (Australian dollars).


Official Website:


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