There is no Dana; Only Tuunes!

2014 has ended and now we must look back. Listen to my Best of 2014 right here!

It's a Halloween Summer guys.

Neil Jarvis has returned but not without bringing a ton of new music. Click here to read my review of the new album!

New news from Modest Mouse!

The band has announced a new album! Check out all the details here!


Low Voltage Rangers have a new album! But is it any good? The answer is...


I talk with JTF about his band and his amazing debut single, Fuchsia.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

REVIEW // The new Pains of Being Pure at Heart single is simply the best.

It simply just is guys. In the beginning it really doesn't even sound like a Pains of Being Pure at Heart song, but then Kip Berman's soft and fuzzy voice comes in around 0:25 and you're in heaven. What's truly great about this song is the amount of new things present in it. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart have always had some elements of pop to them but they have always tended to sway more to the dream-pop or indie rock side of things. Some might argue that they have even been shoegazy at times, but this song screams pop! It's the kind of pop that immediately brings a smile to your face and gets you dancing, if maybe only in your chair a little. You can listen to the amazing super awesome gets you pumped for spring song "Simple And Sure" below. Happy Thursday readers!

"Simple And Sure" is the first single off The Pains of Being Pure at Heart's upcoming album Days of Abandon out March 22nd!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

NEWS // The Drums to release new album.

"celebrating the only way we know how. Album 3 is finished" 
That was the word (and photo) from surf-rock group The Drums this afternoon on Facebook. Their new album finished and hopefully on the way relatively soon for us listeners and fans.

It's been a good 3 years since their last release (if you don't count a single they released in 2012 where only the B Side was a new song) and I'm definitely ready for some new drums. It is a long time to wait though, so if you need a refresher on The Drums, below you can listen to my top 5 favorite songs from them. Happy Sunday! (or whatever day it is that you're reading this!)

The Top 5 Best Songs from the Drums
5.  Saddest Summer Ever (from their 2009 release, Summertime!)
4.  Best Friend (from their 2010 release, The Drums)

3.  Me and the Moon (from their 2010 release, The Drums)

2.  In the Cold (from their 2011 release, Portamento)
1.  How It Ended (from their 2011 release, Portamento)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

NEWS // Debut album on the way for Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks.

Avey Tare's Slasher Flicks is a new band featuring (surprise!) Avey Tare from Animal Collective and ex members of Dirty Projectors and Ponytail Angel Deradoorian and Jeremy Hyman, respectively. The group will be releasing their debut album Enter the Slasher House this coming April. Below, you can hear their new single "Little Fang", a sassy psychedelic pop song filled with catchy lyrics and great potential for what's to come. 

Enter the Slasher House will be out April 7th internationally via Domino Records and April 8th in the US.