Thursday, February 27, 2014

REVIEW // The new Pains of Being Pure at Heart single is simply the best.

It simply just is guys. In the beginning it really doesn't even sound like a Pains of Being Pure at Heart song, but then Kip Berman's soft and fuzzy voice comes in around 0:25 and you're in heaven. What's truly great about this song is the amount of new things present in it. The Pains of Being Pure at Heart have always had some elements of pop to them but they have always tended to sway more to the dream-pop or indie rock side of things. Some might argue that they have even been shoegazy at times, but this song screams pop! It's the kind of pop that immediately brings a smile to your face and gets you dancing, if maybe only in your chair a little. You can listen to the amazing super awesome gets you pumped for spring song "Simple And Sure" below. Happy Thursday readers!

"Simple And Sure" is the first single off The Pains of Being Pure at Heart's upcoming album Days of Abandon out March 22nd!


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