Monday, February 18, 2013

ALBUM REVIEW // MillionYoung puts the chill back in chillwave with his new LP Variable.

There hasn't been an album where I have genuinely loved every track in a long long time. Then, MillionYoung released Variable on Tuesday and reminded me that this is still possible to do. With every play-through I find something new that I love about it.  Variable is the Florida native's second full-length album and continues to support my theory that 2013 is the year of least in bands. 

Where other bands might have failed in improving their sound, MillionYoung succeeds. This new album puts the "chill" back in chillwave and all one has to do is listen to tracks like "Lovin" or "Reciprocal" to hear this. Variable isn't a drastic change from previous releases but it is a change nonetheless. Songs in here sound more "dance-able" and remind me of bands like Toro y Moi. Not that the older songs weren't, I mean you how can you not dance a little to "Cynthia" or "On-On" (the list keeps going), but these new songs ooze a certain electro-jazz feel that is new to the band. 

If you haven't bought Variable yet you get it on iTunes, Amazon, and many other places. Listen to the album below and tell me what you think! 


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