Thursday, February 7, 2013

NEWS // The Bilinda Butchers announce new single.

Yesterday The Bilinda Butchers (no affiliation with MBV aside from their love for them, hence the name) announced news of an upcoming single that is due to be released in early March. The dream-pop band released this two-part teaser of the upcoming single featuring new music (with almost a new sound) and clips from Masaki Kobayashi's Kwaidan

The teaser for The Lovers' Suicide! sounds great, it really does, but what's up with that first half? That doesn't sound at all like the Bilinda Butchers I fell in love with, and then fell in love with even more when goodbyes was released last fall. Is this a hint that the band is slowly changing it's sound? I mean don't get me wrong, I have faith in them. Regardless of what genre they are The Bilinda Butchers will continue to put out great, quality music but, if they did steer more towards electro-pop as this video could be suggesting, I would miss songs like Little Leaf. Luckily, the second half of this video assures me that they wont completely change.


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